
How can online-only students check out a Woodcock Johnson or GORT test kit?
Last Updated: Mar 06, 2024 Views: 40

The Library cannot mail GORT or Woodcock Johnson assessments to students as these kits are property of the Special Education Department.

Distance education students are encouraged to

1) Collaborate with their home school district administrators. The UWW faculty member provides students with documentation to share to help facilitate them accessing materials; this is done at the very beginning of the semester so they have plenty of time to exhaust resources.

2) Work with a local CESA to establish a borrowing relationship if possible. Most CESA’s have curriculum collections, with varying lending and access policies.

As always, the test protocols are available from the Special Education Department office. The Library does not have these items. You can email ( or call (262) 472-1106 for arrangements.