
Why can't I renew my book/computer/dvd?
Last Updated: Dec 08, 2022 Views: 34

If you are an undergraduate, you may renew many items (including laptops) twice, for a total of three months. However, if another patron has requested the item (i.e. if they have put it on hold), the renewal request will be turned down. If you borrowed the item using UW Request, then you can also renew the item twice. Not all items are renewable--your item may be a piece of equipment or another item that does not renew.

If you borrowed it through ILLiad (InterLibrary Loan) and the renewal option is not available within the ILLiad system, then the lending library has not allowed renewals. You also need to request the renewal before the due date. You could make another ILL request for that title if you still need to use that title, but you will need to return the copy you currently have.

Read more about Recalls and Renewals. If this does not address your specific situation, please contact the Circulation Desk directly, either by phone 262-472-5511 or email.