
How can I read Harvard Business Review (HBR) content for my course?
Last Updated: Sep 29, 2022 Views: 274

How can I read Harvard Business Review articles via Business Source Complete?

1. Go to the landing page for Harvard Business Review here:,uid&db=bth&jid=HBR&site=ehost-live

2. Select "Search within this publication"

3. You will get an advanced search page with multiple search boxes. Don't disturb the information in the first box. In the second box, type the title of your article, and change the drop-down "Select a Field" to say "TI Title": 

a search in Harvard business review, showing a search for the article title "a better way to deliver bad news"

Still can't find an HBR article ? 

  • Try Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (2007-present), also available through EBSCOhost. That link contains most (but, it seems, not all) of the content published on their website,, which is somewhat different content than what is published in their print magazine. Sometimes the article title at our link is not quite exactly the same as the article title that you may have seen on, so try a shortened form of the article, or keywords plus the author's last name.
    • The content is uploaded at that link once every two weeks, so an article published on within the last two weeks will likely not appear at that link yet.
  • Digital articles published within the last two weeks can be accessed via the 2 free views per month that allows.

Looking for Harvard Case Studies?

UWW does not buy student access to case studies. Check with your professor and syllabus to see how they suggest you buy these.

Instructors, see this link for Educator Access to preview Case Studies -- no student access, though. Harvard Business Publishing will provide verified faculty with free access for identifying cases for your class. The UWW Library has no role in this. Direct questions to Harvard about the process and the system. Students will have to buy cases directly.

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