
How much does printing cost in the library?
Last Updated: Aug 21, 2023 Views: 161

For students, printing in black and white is free, for academic purposes only. Print quantities are monitored. From a desktop computer in the library, select the printer Q-GALabs on Papercut, then release the job at any of the print stations in the library (1 on first floor, 3 on second floor, 1 on third floor). 

For community patrons, printing in B&W costs $.10 per page, per side. From a desktop computer in the library, select the printer Q-LibraryPayBW on Papercut.

Printing in color costs for everyone: $0.50 per 8.5x11” page, per side ($1 for 11x17”). From a desktop computer in the library, select the Q-LibraryPayColor on Papercut printer. Bring your money to the Circulation desk to retrieve your printout.